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The 8 brainboosting food that can help you think more clearly and be less anxious

The 8 brainboosting food that can help you think more clearly and be less anxious

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The 8 brainboosting food that can help you think more clearly and be less anxious: Feeling foggy or frazzled? The culprit may be your diet. Emerging research shows certain nutrients strongly support cognitive functioning while deficiencies hamper mental performance.

The 8 brainboosting food that can help you think more clearly and be less anxious

Boost both brainpower and mood by incorporating more of the following 8 supersmart eats:

Fatty Fish

Omega-3 fatty acids abundant in salmon, tuna, sardines and other oily fish reduce inflammation interfering with neurotransmission. This translates to easing anxiety while boosting focus and memory retention. The anti-inflammatory effects also discourage depression.


Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli provide a compound called sulforaphane shown to stimulate neuron growth in key brain regions improving learning retention and decision processing while protecting the brain against cognitive decline.


The potent antioxidants called anthocyanins giving blueberries their hue guard memory centers against oxidative stress and inflammation associated with neurodegenerative disease. Strawberries, raspberries and blackberries confer similar effects.

Pumpkin Seeds

Zinc in just a handful of salty, roasted pumpkin seeds aids neuron signaling in the hippocampus to enable improved learning and recall. Zinc deficiency frequently manifests as anxiety and mood disorders until levels get corrected.

Green Tea

Soothing, gentle caffeine combines with powerful antioxidants called EGCG to sharpen focus without jitteriness. Together they boost productivity, mood and communication between billions of brain cells.


The creamy green fruit offers essential vitamin K important for cognitive health and especially critical for optimal brain functioning in aging populations by transporting protective antioxidants like vitamin E across the blood-brain barrier.


Curcumin gives turmeric its intense golden color and similarly brilliant brain effects including enhancing neuron growth in parts of the brain associated with improved mood and cognition. It also boosts serotonin and dopamine.

Dark Chocolate

A guilt-free indulgence, cacao flavanols from minimally sweetened dark chocolate promote cerebral blood flow delivering more oxygen, glucose and nutrients to power cognition. They also trigger the release of pleasurable, anxiety-reducing dopamine.

Incorporating more of these delish brain foods into regular routines creates a hugely favorable environment for enhanced mental performance from firing on all neurons to feel calmer, sharper and happier. Outsmart stress through smart food choices.

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