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Rash: 22 Common Skin Rashes, Pictures, Causes & Treatment

Rash: 22 Common Skin Rashes, Pictures, Causes & Treatment

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Rash: 22 Common Skin Rashes, Pictures, Causes & Treatment: Certainly! here are the common skin rashes, causes, and treatments.

Rash: 22 Common Skin Rashes, Pictures, Causes & Treatment

1. Contact Dermatitis:

  • Causes: Contact with irritants or allergens.
  • Symptoms: Red, itchy rash.
  • Treatment: Avoiding triggers, topical steroids.

2. Eczema (Dermatitis):

  • Causes: Genetic and environmental factors.
  • Symptoms: Dry, itchy, inflamed skin.
  • Treatment: Moisturizers, steroids, antihistamines.

3. Psoriasis:

  • Causes: Autoimmune disorder.
  • Symptoms: Red, scaly patches.
  • Treatment: Topical steroids, phototherapy, systemic medications.

4. Hives (Urticaria):

  • Causes: Allergic reactions, stress.
  • Symptoms: Raised, itchy welts.
  • Treatment: Antihistamines, avoiding triggers.

5. Rosacea:

  • Causes: Unknown, possibly genetic.
  • Symptoms: Facial redness, visible blood vessels.
  • Treatment: Topical or oral antibiotics, laser therapy.

6. Ringworm (Dermatophytosis):

  • Causes: Fungal infection.
  • Symptoms: Circular, scaly rash.
  • Treatment: Antifungal creams or oral medications.

7. Impetigo:

  • Causes: Bacterial infection.
  • Symptoms: Red sores, honey-colored crusts.
  • Treatment: Antibiotics.

8. Shingles (Herpes Zoster):

  • Causes: Reactivation of the chickenpox virus.
  • Symptoms: Painful rash with blisters.
  • Treatment: Antiviral medications, pain relief.


  • Causes: Infestation with mites.
  • Symptoms: Itchy, pimple-like rash.
  • Treatment: Scabicide creams.

10. Lichen Planus:

  • Causes: Unknown, possibly autoimmune.
  • Symptoms: Purple, itchy bumps.
  • Treatment: Topical steroids, antihistamines.

11. Heat Rash (Miliaria):

  • Causes: Blocked sweat ducts.
  • Symptoms: Red bumps, itching.
  • Treatment: Cool compresses, avoiding heat.


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12. Cellulitis:

  • Causes: Bacterial skin infection.
  • Symptoms: Red, swollen, painful skin.
  • Treatment: Antibiotics.

13. Folliculitis:

  • Causes: Inflamed hair follicles
  • Symptoms: Red bumps, sometimes with pus.
  • Treatment: Antibacterial or antifungal creams.

14. Nummular Dermatitis:

  • Causes: Unknown, possibly related to dry skin.
  • Symptoms: Coin-shaped, itchy lesions.
  • Treatment: Moisturizers, steroids.

15. Pityriasis Rosea:

  • Causes: Unknown, possibly viral.
  • Symptoms: Pink, scaly rash in a “Christmas tree” pattern.
  • Treatment: Usually resolves on its own.

16. Dyshidrotic Eczema:

  • Causes: Unknown, possibly related to allergies or stress.
  • Symptoms: Itchy blisters on hands and feet.
  • Treatment: Topical steroids, avoiding triggers.

17. Allergic Dermatitis:

  • Causes: Allergens like plants, chemicals.
  • Symptoms: Itchy, red rash.
  • Treatment: Avoiding triggers, antihistamines.

18. Granuloma Annulare:

  • Causes: Unknown, possibly autoimmune.
  • Symptoms: Ring-shaped bumps.
  • Treatment: Often resolves on its own; steroids in severe cases.

19. Tinea Versicolor:

  • Causes: Fungal infection.
  • Symptoms: Patches of discolored skin.
  • Treatment: Antifungal creams or shampoos.

20. Perioral Dermatitis:

  • Causes: Unknown, possibly related to topical steroids.
  • Symptoms: Red bumps around the mouth.
  • Treatment: Discontinuing topical steroids, oral antibiotics.

21. Xerosis (Dry Skin):

  • Causes: Environmental factors, aging.
  • Symptoms: Dry, flaky skin.
  • Treatment: Moisturizers, avoiding harsh soaps.

22. Lupus Erythematosus:

  • Causes: Autoimmune disorder.
  • Symptoms: Butterfly-shaped rash on the face.
  • Treatment: Sun protection, medications for autoimmune control.

It’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment for any skin rash.

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