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For All Mankind’s Krys Marshall Reacts to [Spoiler]’s Tragic Fate & Teases the Aftermath of Danielle & Ed’s Showdown

For All Mankind’s Krys Marshall Reacts to [Spoiler]’s Tragic Fate & Teases the Aftermath of Danielle & Ed’s Showdown

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For All Mankind’s Krys Marshall Reacts to [Spoiler]’s Tragic Fate & Teases the Aftermath of Danielle & Ed’s Showdown

For All Mankind’s Krys Marshall Reacts to [Spoiler]’s Tragic Fate & Teases the Aftermath of Danielle & Ed’s Showdown
For All Mankind’s Krys Marshall Reacts to [Spoiler]’s Tragic Fate & Teases the Aftermath of Danielle & Ed’s Showdown
Danielle and Ed’s intense battle in episode 5 and her reaction to that ‘devastating’ death are explained by Krys Marshall. Spoilers ahead!
For All Mankind exposed Danny Stevens’ Mars exile fate. After decades, Danielle and Ed’s relationship reaches its peak, revealing Danny’s fate that viewers have been talking about for months.

Danielle and Ed informed Danny of their plight as Mars resources depleted years before. Danny was found dead outside his abandoned North Korean capsule by Danielle and Ed, with a picture of his daughter on the ground. Danny killed himself by depleting his space suit’s oxygen. Hollywood Life exclusively asked Krys Marshall how Danny’s death has affected Danielle Poole.
Krys claimed she closed the screenplay and cried after reading episode 5 of the season. I struggle to separate Krys and Danielle. I feel nearly symbiotic and sometimes too close for comfort.”

“As you remember, Danielle and Tracy Stevens were in the program together as 20-something girls. She watched these youngsters develop. She was in their life, therefore it’s awful. To lose another one is heartbreaking personally. Clayton, Danielle’s spouse, committed suicide because he couldn’t handle the cruelty he witnessed in Vietnam. Danielle has suffered so much, and to return to Mars after losing Kuz, her dear friend and her support on Mars, I think she’s unhappy with Ed.”

The truth about Danny is revealed while Danielle and Ed are fighting. Danielle feels stabbed by Ed’s Danny mention. “Anybody with siblings knows that some of the deepest and most intense relationships are with long-time friends,” she said. Danielle and Ed have so much anguish, bitterness, and unexpressed hatred that Danny’s death is basically the spark that ignites her fire and incenses her. In episode 5, their fight begins to end their friendship.

Many Danny Stevens ideas circulated before For All Mankind season 4. Many followers believed he died on Mars, but some believed he survived. Danny’s fate is confirmed, and the loss will affect the second half of the season.

“What we will continue to see is how Danny’s death is not a bloom but instead the root,” Krys told Hollywood Life. As time passes, we witness the bloom begin to spread and the sorrow of how his death affected Danielle, Ed, and the tethers of their connection continue to dissolve. It peaks at the conclusion of the season.”

Danny was exiled for causing multiple deaths in a mission failure. Danielle fed him after his exile. Danny was broken when Danielle last saw him. She gave him a Bible and reminded him of his daughter to cheer him up.

“I think even though she knows it’s a possibility he may take his life, it’s such a far-fetched idea for Danielle because she’s so aligned to her faith and her family that the idea of anybody doing that is just so preposterous,” the actress added. She’s lost someone to suicide, so it’s the fastest kick in the chest. Making it happen again feels personal. Her control continues slipping. She thinks about it, but she hopes it won’t happen. Unfortunately, she’s wrong.”

Danielle wants Ed to take a break from flight duty due to a hand issue, prompting the confrontation. “You should have gone home a long time again,” Danielle informs Ed. Danielle’s orders are plain, but old Ed doesn’t listen. She regrets yet doesn’t regret ignoring Ed.

With all this talk of regret and Danny, does Danielle regret exiling him? “Did she make the right choice? I don’t know,” Krys said. Danny Stevens killed people. His explosion caused a landslide that killed several people and nearly killed Ed. She probably did what she had to. Her honesty is one of my favorite things about Danielle. Her moral compass is always north. She will do what’s right even if it goes against her wishes or decisions. It contradicts Ed. The conclusion was terrible, but Danielle did the right thing.”

In episode 4, Danielle sends Svetlana back to Earth, changing her relationship with Ed. A fight knocks Vasily out, and the Soviets want Svetlana punished. Svetlana avoids being sent to Russia thanks to Danielle. She sends Svetlana to India for trial. Ed implores Danielle not to send Svetlana, whom he holds dear, away. Danielle’s choice is final. Krys explains Ed’s love for Svetlana.

“I think for a man like Ed, it’s tough to get old,” Krys said. “I think a lot of handsome, debonair men are so used to being the alpha male, the best in the room, the loudest, and now he’s not. Due to his hand ailment, he can no longer fly. He ages. No longer virile. His beauty has faded. He lacks Ed Baldwin’s traits. Svetlana represents the memories of who he once was—a handsome, impressive captain with sexual prowess—and he feels for the first time like a flicker of his old self.”

Ed shuns Danielle when the hammer falls. “It’s more than just losing a colleague,” Krys says. There’s more to her possible Gulag sentence. She’s stealing his last hope, which means a lot. Danielle knows Ed. She knows Ed well and understands this isn’t just about Svetlana. It kills his anticipation. She’s crushing his hopes. Danielle probably still wants him to love and appreciate her and keep the connection. He ignores her when she brushes past him and looks for reassurance. I suppose she recognizes this is a deeper fracture that can’t be quickly mended.”

Danielle and Ed’s relationship is multifaceted due to age and time together. Krys said familiarity might generate hatred in old relationships. “These two know each other too well to pull fast ones. His tough-guy style may impress others, but not her. Long-term relationships have pros and cons.”

Danielle is trying to balance her work as Happy Valley base commander with her delicate relationship with Ed. Danielle finds that base workers are unhappy when she arrives on Mars. Lower-ranking employees are upset about their treatment.

“The class warfare that we’ve seen whispers of at the start and midway point of the season really ramps up as time goes on,” Krys joked. Due to her humble upbringing and salt-of-the-earth nature, Danielle is interested in what happens downstairs. This matters to her. Unfortunately, few others care, including Ed. His cataract stops him from seeing the downstairs residents’ malcontent and poor spirits. Unfortunately, that will continue this season and become a major issue.” New For All Mankind season 4 episodes air Fridays on Apple TV+.

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