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The identity of the Zodiac murderer is still unknown. Why do we still find this fascinating decades later?

The identity of the Zodiac murderer is still unknown. Why do we still find this fascinating decades later?

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The identity of the Zodiac murderer is still unknown. Why do we still find this fascinating decades later?:- A word of caution: this piece of writing includes references to sexual assault as well as discussions of homicide.

The identity of the Zodiac murderer is still unknown. Why do we still find this fascinating decades later?

  • At the beginning of this month, a group of individuals who had previously worked as investigators for law enforcement believed that they had discovered the identity of the notorious serial killer who terrorized Northern California in the late 1960s.
  • According to a news statement issued by the organization, they were able to determine the identity of the Zodiac Killer by utilizing fresh forensic and physical evidence.
  • It was discovered that the alleged perpetrator of the Case Breakers had forehead scars that were like to those depicted in a sketch of the Zodiac Killer from 1969.
  • Additionally, the team believed that the individual’s name, Gary Francis Poste, had been exposed through the contents of encrypted messages that they had been analyzing.
  • We all let out a sigh for a little moment.
  • We allowed ourselves to think that the man who had passed away in 2018 at the age of 80 was the one who committed the seemingly unremorseful act of violence.
  • There were even several of us who discovered what appeared to be screenshots of notorious online music reviews that have been linked to Poste, and we all laughed a little bit with each other.
  • The alleged finding of the identity of the Zodiac Killer was disproved by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which consequently brought an abrupt end to the celebration and laughter.
  • CNN was provided with a statement from the San Francisco Police Department, which indicated that the investigation into the issue was still incomplete.
  • By sending cryptic letters to police enforcement and local media, the Zodiac Killer established a name for himself in the public realm.
  • Through the use of ciphers and encrypted texts, they made fun of several newspaper publications.
  • Between the years 1968 and 1969, the Zodiac Killer is believed to have been responsible for at least five homicides that occurred in the San Francisco Bay Area.
  • This belief continues to this day. As many as 37 victims were reportedly self-reported by the killer in their letters.
  • Decryption of the Zodiac Killer’s most recent code, which was deciphered in the year 2020, was accomplished. Experts were able to decipher the code for a Zodiac cipher that was used in 1969.
  • This message, which was written in the form of symbols, read as follows: “I hope you are having a great deal of fun in attempting to catch me.” There is no reason for me to be terrified of the gas chamber because I am now in possession of a sufficient number of slaves who are willing to work for me.

Also Read:-The most popular zodiac signs are listed in order of popularity

The identity of the Zodiac murderer is still unknown. Why do we still find this fascinating decades later?
The identity of the Zodiac murderer is still unknown. Why do we still find this fascinating decades later?
  • They will send me to paradise even sooner. 51 years were required for specialists to decipher this message.
  • There is also a lengthy list of individuals who have been under investigation ever since the murders took place.
  • Arthur Leigh Allen, a convicted child molester, was the lone suspect whom the authorities recognized as a possible responsible party.
  • It was not possible for the state to legally charge Allen since he passed away in 1992 due to a heart attack.
  • This occurred before the prosecutors had the opportunity to collect sufficient evidence against him.
  • The only evidence that could be considered against Allen was circumstantial.
  • Allen was positively identified by Mike Mageau, who was at the time one of the only two victims of the Zodiac to have survived.
  • It was also established that Allen was in close proximity to the places where the Zodiac Killer had committed some of his murders. Later on, a portion of the fingerprint that was found on the Zodiac’s letter was examined and compared to Allen’s fingerprint, but the detectives were unable to identify a match between the two.
  • In addition, DNA evidence has revealed that Allen could not be the Zodiac Killer.
  • Lloyd Cunningham, a retired police handwriting expert who worked extensively on the case, stated that the Zodiac’s handwriting plainly did not correspond with Allen’s. Cunningham’s statement was made in reference to the fact that the Zodiac murdered a person.

Despite the fact that the historic killings committed by the Zodiac Killer occurred half a century ago, people continue to provide the authorities with information on the killer. Even to this day, the identity of the murderer continues to be one of the most significant unsolved cases in all of North America.

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