Former Heat Point Guard Says Basketball IQ Has "Significantly Diminished" In The Modern NBA

Former Heat champion drops truth bomb on modern NBA players.

While talent in the NBA may be at an all-time high, the state of basketball IQ around the league is highly questionable, at best.  

According to former Miami Heat point guard Norris Cole, most of today's players lack the on-court intelligence and know-how that every player used to have back in the day. 

Isolation basketball is more prevalent than ever in the modern NBA and it's no mystery why.  

With the rise of talent across the league, even guys off the bench are capable of exploding for 20 or 30 points on any given night. 

The difference between now and before, however, is that many of today's players no longer need assistance from teammates to find a good shot. 

Norris Cole isn't the only player to trash the basketball IQ of modern players.  

On a previous episode of his podcast, Gilbert Arenas claimed that up to 85% of all players lack a professional-level understanding of the game. 

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