Easy Diet Plan To Reduce Belly Fat


Early morning (7:00) Warm water, half-lime juice, and 1 tsp organic honey Breakfast at 8 2 boiled egg whites (or baked beans), 4 almonds, 1 cup green tea/black coffee 10:30 breakfast snack 1 cup watermelon Lunch (1pm) - 1/2 cup yoghurt + 1 cup lettuce, tuna, or tofu salad with mild dressing (olive oil, lime juice, mustard, seasoning). 4pm snack Green tea/black coffee + multigrain biscuit Dinner (7pm) Cup vegetable lentil soup


Early morning (7:00) Warm water, half-lime juice, and 1 tsp organic honey Breakfast at 8 Fruit-nut muesli 10:30 breakfast snack One digestive biscuit + one cup green tea/black coffee Lunch (1pm) ½ cup mushroom quinoa + ½ cup buttermilk 4:00 p.m. snack: ½ cup unsalted popcorn + 1 cup green tea/black coffee Dinner (7pm): 1 cup chicken clear soup with veggies (or kidney beans or other legumes)


Early morning (7:00) 2 tsp fenugreek in 1 cup water Breakfast at 8 A banana-almond or soy milk smoothie with 1 tablespoon peanut butter 11am snack Green tea/black coffee, 1 cup Lunch (1pm): ½ cup yoghurt or buttermilk + 1 cup mushroom and veggie millets 4pm snack 2 saltine crackers+1 cup green tea/black coffee Dinner (7pm) Serve 3 oz grilled fish/chicken or ½ cup grilled tofu with 5 vegetable choices.


Early morning (7:00) 2 tsp fenugreek in 1 cup water Nighttime breakfast: Oatmeal with ½ apple, 2 dates, and 4 almonds. A snack (11:00) 5 in-shell pistachios + 1 cup green/black coffee Lunch (1pm) Boiling chicken salad or lettuce, tomato, feta + 1 cup buttermilk 4pm snack One digestive biscuit + one cup green tea/black coffee Dinner (7pm) Grilled chicken breast/mushrooms with garlic oil and herbs; olive oil-tossed cauliflower rice with carrot, peas and zucchini.


Early morning (7:00) 2 tsp fenugreek in 1 cup water 8 a.m. breakfast -3 egg white and spinach omelette or spinach-tofu scramble + 1 cup green tea/black coffee 11:00 a.m. snack: 1 cup carrot juice with lime and Himalayan pink salt. Lunch: Cucumber, carrot, tomato, pomegranate, sprout salad (1:00). 4:00 p.m. snacks: 1 cup peri-peri popcorn + 1 cup green tea/black coffee Dinner: grilled veggies, herb-stuffed chicken (or tofu), and 1 square dark chocolate (7:00 p.m.).


Early morning (7:00) - 1/2 lime juice + 1 cup water 8 a.m. breakfast 2 medium-sized muesli pancakes 11:00 a.m. snack: 1 cup green tea Lunch (1pm) - Cheat dinner (eat anything, add 500 calories) 4pm snack 1 cup Greek yoghurt Dinner (7pm) Clear chicken or mushroom soup + 1 cup milk before bed.


Early morning (7:00) 2 tsp fenugreek in 1 cup water 8 a.m. breakfast - Tofu, mushroom, and spinach scramble(1 fried egg, 2 bacon pieces) + ¼ cup baked beans + 1 cup green tea 11:00 a.m. snack Orange—1 Lunch (1pm) Asian-style tofu and vegetable stir fry with ½ cup brown rice 4pm snack 1 cup watermelon with lime juice and black salt Dinner (7pm) Baked salmon or spicy roasted cauliflower with asparagus and 4 additional veggies


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