Stephen Curry Not Pleased With Scott Foster Ejecting Chris Paul: "I Don't Like That"

Stephen Curry stood up for Chris Paul after a controversial ejection from Warriors vs. Suns by referee Scott Foster.

Stephen Curry saw his team have to chase down a double-digit deficit without Chris Paul on the court during Warriors vs. Suns.  

Paul had been ejected by referee Scott Foster, someone who has targeted Paul relentlessly over the last decade.  

Curry, as well as everyone else, has seen Foster target Paul before and shared his thoughts on what happened between them with a lengthy response.   

Scott Foster has been one of the most unlikable referees in the NBA ever since his former best friend Tim Donaghy was ousted from the sport for fixing games as a referee. 

Foster was curiously not punished despite clear evidence of Donaghy and Foster speaking to each other on a daily basis. 

Foster was cleared of wrongdoing, but fans have had a hard time trusting him ever since. 

Everyone has wondered for years why Foster and Paul have such clear animosity on the court.  

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