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10 Common Dog Behaviours Decoded

10 Common Dog Behaviours Decoded


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10 Common Dog Behaviours Decoded: Dog behaviour can be puzzling to humans. Since dogs cannot speak our language, understanding their messages can be difficult. Odd or not, your dog’s behaviour can reveal its mood or health. It may even alert you to take your pet to the vet. This guide to common dog behaviours and their causes will help you understand your dog’s odd behaviour.

10 Common Dog Behaviours Decoded

1. Digging

  • Dogs instinctively dig outside for many reasons. Your dog digs to hide food or other valuables and stay safe. They may dig to track rodents.
  • Your dog may be making a ground shelter from the heat. Dogs dig when bored and want to be busy. Your dog may “dig” inside the house and scratch the blankets or floor to find a place to nap.
  • If your dog’s digging bothers you, don’t leave him bored and lonely outside. Pet your dog often and stimulate and exercise it! If your dog keeps digging and damaging your furniture, get a professional trainer.

2. Heads tilted

  • Dogs tilting their heads as if asking for something are adorable to pet owners. When they hear or see something new, dogs do this. To get your attention, affection, approval, or a dog treat, puppies often tilt their heads.
  • Head-tilting is normal for dogs, but it can indicate a health issue. Consult your vet if your dog’s head tilting seems uncontrollable and lasts long.Your dog may have a brain or ear infection.

3. Humping

  • Does your dog hump? It’s not always sexual, despite popular belief. Dogs playfully hump other dogs, objects, and humans when excited or seeking attention, which is natural.
  • This may be because they are poorly socialized and want to dominate or fight. Humping burns energy and reduces stress.
  • Walk away from the dog and ignore them until they stop humping to break this habit. If your dog is humping too much, take it to the vet.

4. Poop-eating

  • Dogs often eat poop, which disgusts humans. Dogs instinctively eat feces and learn it early, according to studies. Curiosity drives dogs to eat feces.
  • This dog behavior may indicate malnutrition. Due to malnutrition, dogs eat their poop instinctively. Pica can also cause dogs to eat poop. Dogs with this disorder persistently eat non-nutritional objects.
  • Try feeding your dog a balanced diet to rule out this habit. Visit your vet if your dog loses weight.

5. Butt sniffing

  • The evolutionary way dogs say hello is by sniffing each other’s butts. Though silly to humans, this common dog behavior helps them learn about each other.
  • Two secreting anal glands are found in all dogs.
  • Dogs’ highly complex 300 million olfactory receptors detect the anal gland’s unique concentrated scent, which reveals the other dog’s sex, health, diet, and reproductive status.
  • They also learn the other dog’s moods and whether they’re friends or foes, which is helpful for safety.
  • Dogs sniffing people usually seek information from their scent. You can use a treat or toy to distract your dog from embarrassing people.

6. Howling

  • Naturally, dogs howl to communicate remotely. Dogs howl to respond to sounds in their environment, among other reasons.
  • Every dog instinctively barks or howls in danger. Dogs do it naturally to communicate with humans.
  • However, excessive howling may indicate boredom or distress. Don’t ignore this—it could lead to a more serious behaviour issue. If the howling persists, train your dog or hire a trainer.

7. Tail-chasing

  • Dogs playfully chase their tails when bored. To relieve energy or entertain themselves, dogs do this. They sometimes chew their caught tail.
  • Tail-chasing and biting are harmless but can indicate flea allergy dermatitis.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder, a rare behavior disorder, may cause your dog to chase its tail. If your dog keeps chasing its tail, see a vet.

8. Scooting butts

  • Pet owners laugh at dogs dragging their butts across the floor. Though amusing, dogs scoot their bottoms due to an abnormality in their anal glands. One possibility is that the anal sacs are full and need emptying.
  • The second reason dogs scoot is when something itchy and irritating is stuck behind their anuses and they try to remove it.
  • If your dog eats grass and gets strands in his anus, he may develop allergies or itching. Though rare, worms or parasites can cause your dog to scoot.
  • If your dog constantly scoots its butt, have your vet check its anal glands.

9. Licking People

  • Dogs frequently kiss and lick. Dogs lick people to get attention and show affection.
  • Licking releases endorphins into their blood, making dogs calm and comfortable in addition to thinking we taste good.
  • Since mouth bacteria is harmless unless it enters an open wound, it’s usually harmless. If you’re uncomfortable being licked by your dog, train it.
  • When your pet licks you, ignore it and treat him when he stops.

10. Panting

  • Dogs sweat on their paws but not enough to cool them. Water evaporates from their tongue, nasal passages, and lungs when they pant, lowering their body temperature.
  • When your dog pants, he’s probably trying to regulate his body heat.
  • Panting can be caused by other things, so don’t ignore it. When anxious, stressed, afraid, or in pain from illness or injury, dogs pant. See our other dog separation anxiety article.
  • Help your dog regulate his body temperature by keeping him hydrated if he pants in the heat. Your dog may pant due to anxiety, stress, fear, or pain from illness or injury. Visit your vet immediately.

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