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Fantastic Drinks That Will Instantly Help With Bloating

Fantastic Drinks That Will Instantly Help With Bloating


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Fantastic Drinks That Will Instantly Help With Bloating : After eating, you may feel bloated for several reasons. Food is either high-fibre, high-fat, or salty. Sometimes we chew quickly and swallow a lot of air, causing bloating. Bloating can also be caused by dairy, gluten, or fructose intolerance. Discuss this concern with your doctor if it occurs regularly. There are other home cures that can help digestive troubles. Post-meal bloating can be reduced with relaxing teas and herbal water. Experience festive bloating? Simple diet changes can minimize it.

Fantastic Drinks That Will Instantly Help With Bloating

1.Herbal water

  • Add 2 tablespoons of coriander, cumin, and fennel seeds to boiling water.
  • Herbal water with lemon and ginger aids digestion.
  • You can drink 2-3 cups of it daily after meals.

 2.The melon squash

  • Add watermelon, pineapple, cucumber, and a thin slice of ginger to a mixer grinder with lemon juice.
  • Ground them and the squash is ready to digest and reduce bloating.

3.Cucumber drink

  • Yogurt, cucumber, mint, ginger, and fenugreek seeds.
  • Add water and shake. This drink aids digestion and absorption after meals.

4.Herbal tea

  • Good old ginger tea will work wonders for stomach ailments and digestion.
  • Add some fennel seeds, cumin seeds, a pinch of turmeric and a slice of cinnamon and boil all these along with the ginger and serve hot.
  • Sip slowly.

 See Also:

Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate in the Winter

5.The CC drink

  • Put some soaked chia seeds along with tender coconut water.
  • The coconut water being rich in electrolytes and potassium will help to flush out the excess sodium from the gut, thereby helping in reducing bloating.

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