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Todd Chrisley Shares Chilling Tale of Prison Food, Black Mold, and a Dead Cat

Todd Chrisley Shares Chilling Tale of Prison Food, Black Mold, and a Dead Cat

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Todd Chrisley Shares Chilling Tale of Prison Food, Black Mold, and a Dead Cat

Todd Chrisley Shares Chilling Tale of Prison Food, Black Mold, and a Dead Cat
Todd Chrisley Shares Chilling Tale of Prison Food, Black Mold, and a Dead Cat

Todd Chrisley told a reporter about his prison’s terrible circumstances.Other detainees ate “filthy” unhealthy food, he said.The ex-reality star also described threats and consequences for speaking up.

Todd told a terrifying story involving black mold, a dead cat, and jail food as he prepared for more.
His description of the facilities was “it is so disgustingly filthy.”“The food is outstanding, no exaggeration.Todd said the food is dated. We’re at least a year behind. A year has passed.”

He recounted a disturbing incident where the jail utilized plastic to cover and protect inmate food while eliminating black mold.(Chrisley’s family also cited concerns about black mold at the facility)

While the prison removed this health hazard from the ceiling, a cat corpse fell into the food. Ghoulish, not goulash.Todd said rodents and squirrels were sneaking into the prison’s food store.

Only food he can buy and make “from the commissary.”He seems to trust this more than the prison.“I eat tuna, I eat peanut butter,” Todd said. “I get protein there.”He added, “I eat like a pasta salad that I make, pasta that I get in commissary.”

Todd added, “And then I start over again doing the same thing the next week.”
According to Todd, the prison warden has limited his access to his favorite foods. Allegedly to “break” him.“So, before she came here you could buy 12 packs of tuna a week,” Todd said. She reduced it to six, then three. She gave no explanation.”Todd: “When I asked her, she said, ‘Commissary is a privilege, not a right.’”Todd said cafeteria-eating inmates are “literally starving these men to death here.”

“These men are getting…”He admitted, “I don’t know if they’re getting 1000 calories a day.” If true, that would be a harsh starvation diet.After interviewing Todd, the reporter phoned the prison and was told “there are nutritious foods” available. So-called “up to date” and “fine” foods.In-person interviews are rare in prisons.

To Todd, no. This is supposedly for security.Todd said “they don’t want [Entin] in here where [he] can see what’s really going on.”Todd claims he has been retaliated many times because his children raised the alarm.Savannah, his daughter, has said prisoners’ medical needs are overlooked.

Without air conditioning, cell temperatures can reach lethal levels. We should remember that this facility is in Florida, where few places are habitable without air conditioning.
Todd’s counsel revealed in July that the prison is destroying his mail.Apparently, Todd was photographed sleeping. His summer attorney said so. In his latest interview, Todd repeated that claim.

I was photographed while asleep and emailed to my kid, Todd said. “Seeking $2,600 per month for my safety.”
In addition, Todd heard guards remark he needed to be “humbled” in prison. Though nasty to Todd, that seems useless.

We must reiterate that Todd, a nasty person, is not a sympathetic victim of our defective and even wicked justice system.But all prisoners are persons. Many of them are innocent or do not belong in prison. The fact that Todd stinks doesn’t excuse this.

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