Benefits Of The Legs-up-the-wall

It is the finest way to relieve leg and foot muscular cramps and tension. Viparita Karani reduces menstruation cramps and relaxes pelvic muscles.

 Reduces muscle cramp

Tension causes migraines and other headaches. Legs up the wall pose improves head circulation and relieves neck and back muscles.

 Help with headache

Legs up the wall pose activates the parasympathetic nerve system, relaxing the body and psyche. It relaxes, relieves stress, and balances. Self-healing can be affected by regular Viparita Karani pose practise.

Relaxes the body and mind

Inversion promotes venous drainage and lymphatic fluid flow by reversing gravity. A leg up the wall yoga pose helps persons with low blood pressure, leg and foot edoema, or chronic venous insufficiency.

Reduces lower back and hamstring tension

Inversion promotes venous drainage and lymphatic fluid flow by reversing gravity. A leg up the wall yoga pose helps persons with low blood pressure, leg and foot edoema, or chronic venous insufficiency.

 Better circulation

Lay on your back on a yoga mat with knees bent and feet flat. Lift your right leg, flex your right foot, and cross your ankle across your left thigh. Stay here or drag your left knee in and hold behind your left thigh to intensify. Hold for 10–15 breaths and switch sides.

Improve sleep quality

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Why Leg Stretching Is Important ?