Exercises & Tips to Reduce Belly Post a C-Section


A post-pregnancy massage is safe two weeks after delivery. These massages reduce waistline by breaking up abdominal fat and draining lymph nodes. In the beginning, focus on the back, hands, and legs, not the abdomen. 

Get a Massage

A C-section cuts abdominal muscles, leaving a fat pouch. This strains your pelvic floor and abdominals. Therefore, wait 6-8 weeks before doing strenuous exercises. Low-impact walking burns calories safely. 

Move Your Body

Nursing requires a lot of energy for all new mothers. Keep your diet high in carbs, low in fat, and full of vitamins and minerals. Ghee, fried meals, butter, and aerated drinks are high in saturated fats. Eat more veggies, fruits, and lean protein. 

Eat Healthily

Tummy binding is possible after incision healing. A bandage-like muslin cloth binds the belly. Stomach binding may push in.

Bind Your Tummy

One of the quickest ways to lose abdominal fat. C-section babies should be breastfed for 6 months. Breastfeeding releases oxytocin, which stimulates uterine contractions and helps your uterus return to pre-pregnancy size. It also burns 500 more calories per day.


Your uterus contracts after birth due to hormone changes. Regrowing the uterus takes 6–8 weeks. Give your body time to heal and return to its former form.

Be Patient

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Easy Diet Plan To Reduce Belly Fat