What is your dog’s barking telling you

What is your dog’s barking telling you


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What is your dog’s barking telling you: Dogs bark. It’s their job. Try checking their pulse if yours doesn’t. As a dog trainer, I know that barking can disturb pet owners and be a powerful tool. Barking is an important way for dogs to communicate, but I prefer body language.

Your dog may bark at the mailman to warn the family of an intruder. Dogs whine when left alone to express concern or discontent. We can learn more about a dog’s bark. Dog barking is mostly explained by frequency, duration, and pitch.

What is your dog’s barking telling you?

1. Frequency

  • Your dog barks faster when they need to communicate.
  • A rapid bark may be fearful or excited, but a woof-burst is meant to grab your attention.

2. Pitch

  • Dogs bark high- or low-pitched. High-pitched barks indicate fear, while low-pitched ones are threatening.
  • Due to their unique voices, dogs’ pitches can be hard to read.
  • A high-pitched Chihuahua bark sounds different from a Great Dane bark.

3. Runtime

  • No woofs are alike. A quick “yip” bark indicates your dog was startled or surprised, while a longer bark or howl conveys other information.
  • How long your dog barks matters. Dogs that bark frequently at various stimuli may be bored or over-stimulated, while those that bark to alert the family usually stop after their job.
  • Many barks have specific meanings based on frequency, pitch, and duration. This guide will help you understand your dog’s messages.

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4. Alarm Barking

  • Alert or alarm barking is easiest to recognise. The alert bark is your dog alerting the family to a stranger or other unexpected event.
  • Barking indicates communication intensity. A quick high-pitched bark is followed by rapid-fire woofing. Once the stimulus is gone or your dog is sure the stranger is safe, the barking usually stops.

5. Demand Barking

  • Demand barking is the most annoying bark because your dog barks and whines at you until you give them attention, food, or something else.
  • I’m sorry, but you probably created your barky demand-monster. It probably started innocently: your dog gave you the head cock and puppy eyes and you gave them breakfast toast.
  • “Ah-ha,” your dog thought, “if that worked, I bet the human will move twice as fast if I whine or bark.”
  • You did to quiet your dog. Demand barking can only be stopped by never giving in. When your dog barks or whines for food or attention, ignore them. Enter another room and close the door if necessary.
  • Never rewarding your dog’s demanding vocalisation will cause it to die.
  • But watch out! If you occasionally give in, your dog will think their strategy works and continue the behavior.

6. Compulsive Barking

  • A compulsive barker barks at everything—noises, people, birds, squirrels, you, and the family. Compulsive barkers usually have emotional issues. Fear often causes compulsive barking.
  • Boredom is a surefire suspect. If your dog seems bored, give them more physical and mental stimulation. Walking, training, sniffing games, puzzle toys, and playtime keep bored compulsive barkers quiet.

7. Solo Barking

  • When left alone, dogs with isolation distress or separation anxiety usually bark.
  • They may whine, bark, or howl, but a common expression is a long string of barking—sometimes the entire time they are alone—with frequent, intentional pauses.
  • Dogs call out for companionship in this bark. They await responses during pauses. See our separation anxiety series to help your dog stop this barking.

8. Play Barking

  • A dog that play-barks is probably playing. Quick, loud woofs are common during play to express excitement or encourage chase, tug, or other interaction with you or another dog.
  • One dog may act as “referee” or “cheerleader,” barking at the others as they play. This usually involves several rapid barks near and within the action.

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