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When is the optimum time to eat breakfast says a nutritionist?

When is the optimum time to eat breakfast says a nutritionist?

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When is the optimum time to eat breakfast says a nutritionist? :-If Barbie had a breakfast character, it would be Alan—ignored for expensive brunches and compensated for by midday eating. The first meal of the day may not have the same primary character energy as other meals, but receiving enough nourishment from it might affect your energy levels throughout the day. But when should you have breakfast and what should you put on your plate? We asked a dietician and learned that grab-and-go coffee on an empty stomach is not recommended.

When is the optimum time to eat breakfast says a nutritionist?

What’s the finest breakfast time?

  • Nutritionist Karishma Chawla recommends eating breakfast within an hour after waking up
  • This boosts metabolism and avoids muscle loss and afternoon cravings.
  • Not eating breakfast in the first hour of waking might cause weariness later in the day, which hinders productivity,

Missing breakfast in the morning

  • Going out without breakfast in the morning will get you in trouble with any dietary expert—for good reason.
  • “People who wake up not hungry need a lot of liver and gut care.
  • She thinks boosting the liver and digestive fire restores our morning hunger.

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When is the optimum time to eat breakfast says a nutritionist?
When is the optimum time to eat breakfast says a nutritionist?

How to arrange the perfect morning breakfast

  • Discovering excellent protein sources like eggs, paneer, low-fat yoghurt, whey isolates, and vegan protein like pea and hemp is the cornerstone of the great breakfast.
  • This may be coupled with low-GI carbs such red rice poha, jowar chilla or dosa, brown rice poha, oats, buckwheat or quinoa upma.
  • “I would love to add some liver detox foods with good fat such as a vegetarian smoothie with apple or orange, spinach or kale, chia seeds or flaxseeds,

Chawla has created a template of options:

  • Red rice poha with a vegetarian smoothie, protein powder, and almonds or walnuts.
  • Jowar bread, egg, paneer, or chicken sandwich with carrot sticks
  • Quinoa or oat upma with vegetables, eggs, or protein powders

First-meal foods to avoid

  • Chawla recommends a breakfast with protein, low-GI carbohydrates, fiber, and healthful fat and no unhealthy items.
  • She avoids processed foods and sugary fruit drinks, preferring vegetarian smoothies.
  • Avoid simple carbohydrates like rice and maida and avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach.
  • She advises sensitive stomach patients to eliminate dairy to boost digestive fire before reintroducing it.

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