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Zodiac Signs May Face Hard Truths On December 22-2023

Zodiac Signs May Face Hard Truths On December 22-2023

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Zodiac Signs May Face Hard Truths On December 22-2023:- As the year progresses, we become closer to the mirror, which means we size ourselves up. We’re reviewing our prior year’s accomplishments to see if we met our expectations. Moon conjunct Neptune on December 22, 2023, forces us to face our apparent failures. Moon conjunct Neptune might make us too judgmental of ourselves, especially for three zodiac signs. This goes against the times since we should be helping others, not criticizing ourselves. We may feel awful about being selfish, but Moon conjunct Neptune makes us do it.

Three zodiac signs will feel like failures or lost causes during this transit. This sensation may not last, but it will dominate the day as we list our depression-inducing disappointments. Tomorrow may get us back in shape, but Moon conjunct Neptune makes it impossible for these three zodiac signs to accomplish much than slink into self-doubt.

Zodiac Signs May Face Hard Truths On December 22-2023

December 22, 2023: Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes:

1. Virgo

  • You know your thinking isn’t helpful when Moon conjunct Neptune.
  • On December 22, 2023, your mind will wander into paranoia.
  • As usual, you know you’ll get past it, but you feel like you owe yourself a day of regrets, memories that shake you to the core, and a ragged feeling of not being good enough.
  • OK, so it’s one of those days and you’re not trying to communicate your emotions.
  • If everyone left you alone, you’d do your private damage and be done.
  • You’re not seeking pity or an explanation.
  • Moon conjunct Neptune gets you thinking about your life and why you made certain choices this year.
  • Even if you did the wrong thing once this year, you know that it’s over and you’re alive, well, and going about your day as usual.
  • I just think you focus too much on your mistakes this time of year.
  • Let yourself rest, Virgo. Let go.
  • Life is too hard to dwell on sadness.
  • Relax and move forward.

Also Read:-3 Zodiac signs can not Get enough Love & Affection On December 22, 2023

Zodiac Signs May Face Hard Truths On December 22-2023
Zodiac Signs May Face Hard Truths On December 22-2023

2. Capricorn

  • Despite your robust temperament and ability to stay calm in a storm, you have times of weakness and strive to hide them.
  • This is a challenging moment for you, and on December 22, 2023, Moon conjunct Neptune may make you stare too closely at yourself in the mirror.
  • Even when the physical image doesn’t impress you, you’ll feel like you could have done better.
  • You’re usually okay with yourself, but if you let Moon conjunct Neptune take over your head, as you will on December 22, 2023, you’ll tumble into a deep pit of self-pity.
  • Self-pity is weakness, therefore you keep it to yourself.
  • Still, you are honest with yourself and accept your sentiments, even if they are fleeting.
  • Today, December 22, 2023, you’ll beat yourself up, but Moon conjunct Neptune will help you turn around and confront a brighter day tomorrow.

3. Pisces

  • Self-pity is your domain, albeit you don’t like it.
  • Discover 1,000 reasons to feel sorry for yourself on December 22, 2023.
  • You may be overthinking things because it’s the end of the year or because Moon conjunct Neptune does this.
  • Being one of the more sensitive zodiac signs got you entangled.
  • This day makes you overthink your year-long progress.
  • Ask yourself all the questions you already know.
  • You’ll conclude that you didn’t strive hard enough and didn’t accomplish half as much as you wanted.
  • Pisces, that’s unfair! You’ve worked hard and kept up well; quit being so hard on yourself.

Moon conjunct Neptune is so’mental,’ you’ll be in a mood others shouldn’t even try to tap into. You need your space during this transit since you’re overdone self-pity and don’t want to look like a baby who needs diaper changes. You’re stronger than your mind thinks, so you’ll be OK. You only need a day off, so Moon conjunct Neptune is fine.

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