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Weight Loss 8 Tips to Motivate Yourself For a Workout

Fast Weight Loss: 8 Tips to Motivate Yourself For a Workout

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Weight Loss: 8 Tips to Motivate Yourself For a Workout: Starting and maintaining a healthy weight loss plan can be difficult. People often lack the motivation to start or continue. Fortunately, you can boost motivation.

1. Determine Why You Want to Lose Weight

  • Write down all your weight-loss motivations. This will keep you focused on weight loss.
  • Read them daily and use them as a reminder when you want to cheat on your diet.
  • You may want to prevent diabetes, keep up with grandchildren, look your best for an event, boost your self-confidence, or fit into jeans.
  • Many people lose weight because their doctor told them to, but research shows that self-motivation is more successful.

Weight Loss: 8 Tips to Motivate Yourself For a Workout

2. Have Realistic Expectations

Many weight loss diets promise fast results. Most doctors advise losing 1–2 pounds (0.5–1 kg) per week. Setting unattainable goals can frustrate and demotivate you. Actually, achieving achievable goals makes you feel accomplished. People who reach their own weight loss goals are more likely to keep them.

Several weight loss centers, women who expected to lose the most weight were most likely to quit. Fortunately, losing 5–10% of your body weight can improve your health. That’s 9–18 pounds (4–8 kg) for 180 pounds (82 kg). If you weigh 250 pounds (113 kg), it’s 13–25 pounds (6–11 kg).

Indeed, losing 5–10% of your weight can:

  • Improve glucose control
  • Lower heart disease risk
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Joint pain reduction and cancer risk reduction

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3. Focus on Process Goals

Many dieters only set end-goals. Final target weight is usually an outcome goal. However, outcome goals alone can demotivate you. They can seem distant and overwhelming. Instead, set process goals—the steps you’ll take to achieve your goal. Process goals include exercising four times a week.

A study of 126 overweight women in a weight loss program found that process-focused women lost more and deviated less from their diets than outcome-focused women. Consider SMART goals for strong goals.

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic (Time-based)

4. Pick a Plan That Fits Your Lifestyle

Avoid long-term weight loss plans that are nearly impossible to follow. Most of the hundreds of diets focus on calorie reduction.  Weight loss comes from cutting calories, but dieting, especially yo-yo dieting, predicts future weight gain.

Do not follow strict diets that eliminate certain foods. Research shows that “all or nothing” thinkers are less likely to lose weight. Consider making your own plan. The following diets have been shown to reduce weight.

  • Cutting calories
  • Reduce portions
  • Reduce snacking.
  • Reduce fried foods and desserts
  • Add fruits and veggies

5. Keep a Weight Loss Journal

  • Motivation and weight loss success require self-monitoring. Research shows that tracking food intake helps people lose and maintain weight.
  • To keep a food journal properly, write down everything you eat. Food, snacks, and the candy you stole from your coworker’s desk.
  • Your food journal can also record emotions. This can help you identify overeating triggers and find healthier coping mechanisms. Food journals can be kept on paper, online, or via app. They’ve all worked.

6. Celebrate Your Successes

Celebrating your weight loss successes will keep you motivated. Give yourself credit for reaching a goal. Share your successes and get support on social media or weight loss sites with community pages. Self-confidence boosts motivation. Celebrate behavior changes, not just scale numbers.

Treat yourself to a bubble bath or a fun night with friends if you exercised four days a week. You can boost your motivation by rewarding yourself. Selecting appropriate rewards is crucial. Avoid food rewards. Avoid expensive rewards you would never buy or insignificant rewards you would allow yourself to have.

Good rewards include:

  • Manicure
  • Going to movies
  • New running top purchase
  • Taking cooking classes

7. Find Social Support

  • Staying motivated requires regular support and positive feedback. Tell your loved ones about your weight loss goals to get their support. Many people benefit from a weight loss buddy.
  • You can workout together, hold each other accountable, and support each other. Ask your partner for help, but also get support from friends. Think about joining a support group. Live and online support groups are effective.

8. Make a Commitment

  • A public commitment increases the likelihood of goal achievement, according to research. Telling others about your weight loss goals keeps you accountable.
  • Tell close friends and family, and consider posting on social media. Sharing goals with more people increases accountability.
  • Consider prepaying for a 5K, gym membership, or exercise classes. Investing makes you more likely to follow through.

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