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What to Do If Your Nails Look Bad After Removing Extensions

What to Do If Your Nails Look Bad After Removing Extensions


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What to Do If Your Nails Look Bad After Removing Extensions :-Nail extensions are the latest beauty craze, and most people have tried them. After removing extensions, our natural nails seem different. This is because buffing, gels, and other chemicals are used. Nail extensions have many drawbacks. Nails might become weak and brittle. After removing nail extensions, your nails break more and grow slower. Here are some simple nail care advice for those who just had nail extensions removed.

What to Do If Your Nails Look Bad After Removing Extensions

Keep Nails Short

  • Cut your nails short after removing extensions.
  • Your nails will grow normally, but they won’t be strong.
  • Your nails will break rapidly and be weak even if they grow naturally.
  • Cutting your nails periodically after extension removal will help you remove dead nails and grow healthy, fresh ones.
  • After the extension, experts recommend keeping your nails in their original form and length to minimize breakage.

Apply Nail Cream and Cuticle Oil

  • Many chemicals are put on nails during nail extensions, drying and damaging them.
  • Remember to moisturize your nails to restore their health.
  • Keep cuticle oil and nail cream on hand.
  • Apply nail cream throughout the day if your nails feel dry.
  • You can use cuticle oil twice daily.

Strengthen Nails

  • Nail polishes should not be used immediately after extensions are removed.
  • During this time, your natural nails had no air.
  • After extensions, your nails become weak, thus you must use a nail strengthener or hardener routinely.
  • This clear nail polish seems thicker than normal.
  • You can use it daily for 2 weeks to strengthen nails.
  • If your nails are weak after 2 weeks, use it twice or thrice a week.

Keep a Good Space Between Extensions

  • You may want to return to your extensions right after they’re uninstalled, but give it time.
  • After removing extensions, your natural nails require time to repair.
  • It takes time.
  • Damaged nails take weeks or months to grow out.

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What to Do If Your Nails Look Bad After Removing Extensions
What to Do If Your Nails Look Bad After Removing Extensions

Good Diet

  • After the extensions, your nails are damaged, thus you need a nutritious diet to restore them.
  • Diets rich in omega-3, biotin, and other nutrients strengthen nails.
  • Add vitamin E and omega-3-rich almonds, peanuts, avocados, sweet potatoes, and walnuts.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated.
  • This improves nails.

Our instructions should help you achieve healthy, strong nails following nail extensions. If you can’t treat your damaged nails at home, see a specialist. Stay tuned for more tips!

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