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Train a Rottweiler - Stop Bites and Make Them Well Behaved

Train a Rottweiler – Stop Bites and Make Them Well Behaved


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Train a Rottweiler – Stop Bites and Make Them Well Behaved: Playing with a cute Rottweiler puppy can be bite. Due to their size and intimidating nature, many owners want to control biting. A 5-step process to teach your Rottweiler puppy not to bite is provided here. Reinforcing that biting is wrong helps Rottweiler puppies avoid it.

Allow your Rottweiler to carefully bite you during play, but react if it bites too hard. A 30-second break from play follows yelling or saying ‘No!’ Basic summary, but I’ve listed five steps, including how to maximize training effectiveness. My explanation of why your puppy bites and when they will stop is included.

Train a Rottweiler – Stop Bites and Make Them Well Behaved

Stop biting a Rottweiler Puppy

  • If the Rottweiler puppy is unsocialized, biting training is crucial. Bites in Rottweilers can be devastating, but puppies are harmless.
  • Teaching a puppy not to bite is easy. It requires consistency. When you set boundaries for your Rottie, they will thrive and respect you as adults.
  • You must know why they’re biting you to avoid misguided assumptions. Your Rottweiler puppy (as they all do!) is biting you. The reason is explained below.

5-Step Rottweiler Puppy Biting Prevention

This method imitates Rottweiler (or other puppy) play. Teaching your puppy how hard to bite during play is key. How to do this: five steps.


  • Come play with your Rottweiler puppy and let it bite you.
  • Yelp or say ‘No!’ when they bite too hard and make your hand limp.
  • Await 30 seconds after stopping play.
  • Continue playing and praise or treat gentleness.
  • Do 2 and 3 again if they bite hard.
  • Rottweilers who play rough yelp like other puppies. You puppy will recognize this instinct. While training, consider a yelp or ‘No!’ and these other factors.

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  • Using this method consistently should yield results within weeks of puppy adoption. However, your Rottie’s playmates must be consistent.
  • Assign bite-training lessons to family, friends, and guests who play with your puppy. If all playmates react the same to biting, your Rottweiler will learn faster.

Gift a Chew Toy

  • Occasionally, puppies need to chew to stimulate adult teeth or soothe sore gums. Chewing practice may also be desired.
  • Consider giving your puppy a chew toy. Allow them to bite the toy during play. The kids will learn that chewing this toy is okay.

Encourage Rottie Learning

  • Rottweiler puppies learn by biting, so let them. Without our help, dogs learn by trial and error.
  • Unless you let your puppy bite you, they won’t learn to stop.
  • I’d rather control the learning environment as a puppy than subject them to biting lessons as an adult.


  • Early rewards should be frequent until your Rottie is consistently playing nicely (no hard bites). Start by treating or praising 30 seconds of well-behaved play.
  • When praising them, keep doing so until you’re done. Next time, wait 60 seconds before playing. Then 90 seconds, continues. Soon, they should be able to play all day without hurting you.

Alternative Bite-Stop Tools

Rottweiler biting prevention methods are below. Physical punishment is added to the above process.

  • Squirt water at the puppy when they bite while saying ‘No!’ Squirting water stops the behavior. Some pups may play with the spray bottle.
  • Say ‘No!’ and grab the puppy by the scruff of their neck and shake gently. Like a mother dog’s discipline. Shaking and smacking a puppy can trigger aggression, fear of humans, or injury.
  • Consider replacing with the following method.
  • If the puppy bites you, force a chew toy into their mouth ASAP. The puppy will learn to only bite the chew toy. A puppy may take longer to associate biting your hand with bad behavior.
  • Other dog owners have had success with these methods. The five-step method at the top of this article teaches the dog to love their owner, rather than fear consequences. I prefer it.

Select the method that works for you and your Rottweiler. Individual families vary. Learn why your Rottweiler bites to improve training.

Rottie puppies bite—why?

  • Five reasons your Rottweiler puppy may bite you. They develop naturally for the following reasons.

Dental Pain

  • Chewing soothes bruised gums and pulls out baby teeth for adult teeth.


  • All dogs, including adults, bite other puppies. Puppies test their bite strength without hurting their playmate.


  • To explore, your Rottweiler chews on things. They are learning what chews well and what doesn’t.

Trying their Limits

  • Every puppy learns their limits. Because they can’t talk to us, they must learn the rules by trial and error.


  • To conclude, Rottweilers sometimes just want your attention. Hand or ankle nips may mean ‘I want to play with you’ or ‘can you let me outside?’ There’s a better way to ask, but they don’t know it yet.
  • These do not say ‘your Rottweiler is just naughty’. Most of these behaviors are from our babies. They taste things they shouldn’t and bite.
  • Try to remember that this behavior is normal for your Rottweiler as it grows up.

When do Rottweilers stop biting?

  • Between 6 and 12 months, Rottweiler puppies stop biting. This time frame is broad because puppies get adult teeth at different times. After developing adult teeth, puppies stop biting.
  • Rottweilers’ adult teeth should be noticed. While still sharp, these teeth are larger. more are available. Adult teeth replace 28 puppy teeth. After adult teeth erupt, your Rottie stops biting.
  • The above reasons explain why Rottweiler puppies bite. The cause and training of your Rottweiler may keep them biting after 12 months. You must train your Rottweiler to stop biting after they have all their adult teeth.

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