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Training Guide for Greyhound Dog

Training Guide for Greyhound Dog


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Training Guide for Greyhound Dog: Elegant and affectionate greyhounds are popular. Many greyhounds are rescued or adopted after racing. Bred Greyhound puppies are also purchased. Patience, consistency, and love are needed to train rescued Greyhounds or puppies.

Training Guide for Greyhound Dog

House Training Your Greyhound

1. A martingale collar and 6-foot nylon leash are needed. A Greyhound can back out of a buckle collar, so buy a martingale for your new dog. To avoid throat damage, never use a metal choke collar on your Greyhound.

  • The leash and martingale collar are available at pet stores. Martingale collars have two loops: a large, adjustable loop around your dog’s neck and a small, control loop.
  • The small loop D ring clips the leash. The leash tension will tauten the small loop when your dog pulls his head out of the collar, making the large loop smaller and tighter around his neck.
  • This prevents escape. A daily walking schedule and using the leash to keep your Greyhound from running too fast or far without you are crucial to training. Visually hunting greyhounds are bred to chase prey.
  • Keep your Greyhound on a leash when outside the house or on a walk to prevent him from running into traffic while “hunting” prey. As long as you can fit two fingers under your Greyhound’s collar, it’s comfortable but not too loose.

2. House train your Greyhound in a crate. Greyhounds are raised in crates and enjoy sleeping and relaxing in them.

  • Greyhounds are clean and rarely poops in their crates. To acclimate your Greyhound to his new home and establish a training routine, crate training is essential.
  • Buy a 42-inch (110 cm) crate for your new Greyhound’s safety. The crate should be in a busy room with family activity. In a basement or back room, your Greyhound may feel abandoned or ignored.

3. Avoid crate punishment. Avoid punishing your Greyhound by sending him to his crate, especially when he’s first adjusting.

  • Say “No” in a low voice when your Greyhound misbehaves instead of scolding or punishing him.
  • Newly adopted Greyhounds often have a honeymoon period of quiet and controlled behavior for the first week.
  • Eight weeks after arriving home, your Greyhound may reveal his true self. In the first weeks of training, especially if your Greyhound isn’t house trained, never leave him alone. Crate your dog when leaving him unattended to avoid accidents.

Creating a Walking and Feeding Schedule

1. Set a schedule. It will help your Greyhound adjust to his new home and follow commands. Your Greyhound may do his business in your home despite being potty trained by his previous owner or trainer.

  • Establishing a consistent walking and feeding schedule will help your dog know when to eat and go to the bathroom.
  • The active greyhound needs lots of exercise to stay healthy and happy. Exercise soon after eating can cause bloating in greyhounds. Wait 90 minutes after feeding your Greyhound before exercising him.

2. Early morning walks with your Greyhound. Morning bathroom walks last 10–15 minutes. Bring him indoors, crate him, and feed him if he doesn’t relieve himself. To let him use the bathroom, walk him again 10–15 minutes after eating.

  • Verbally praise and treat him when he uses the bathroom. Take your dog to the same bathroom spot during bathroom walks since most dogs prefer it.

3. Give your dog food and water. A premium Greyhound dog food should be fed to him every time. Request pet food recommendations from your vet. Choose high-quality dog food without corn, wheat, or wheat flour. Greyhounds can choke on meat by-products in dog food, so avoid it.

  • For female Greyhounds weighing 65 pounds (29 kg), consume 2 ½ to 3 cups daily. Average male Greyhounds weigh 70 pounds (32 kg) and need 3 to 4 cups per day. Each feeding should be the same amount for your dog.
  • Do not feed your dog table scraps or canned dog food, which can harm his digestive system.
    Avoid letting your Greyhound drink a lot of water after eating. Since drinking water after eating can cause bloating, fill his bowl before meals.

4. Walk another 10–15 minutes. After eating, take him for another bathroom walk 90 minutes later. Time your Greyhound’s second walk before work or the day.

  • After the walk, praise and crate your dog. Dogs can also chew on cow hooves during the day. Dog owners suggest leaving the radio on low to keep their dogs company and calm them while you’re away.

5. Dog walk when you get home from work. Let your dog out of his crate for a 10–15-minute bathroom walk. Avoid making a big deal about letting your dog out of his crate, as he may think it’s better.

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